Lease agreements are an essential part of renting property, both for landlords and tenants. A lease agreement is a binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental and serves as proof of the agreement between both parties. A well-drafted lease agreement must include certain formalities to ensure that both parties are protected and have clarity about their rights and obligations.

Here are some formalities that must be included in a lease agreement:

1. Names of the Parties: The lease agreement must clearly mention the names of the landlord and the tenant who are entering into the agreement. It is important to ensure that the names are accurately spelled and reflect the legal names of the parties involved.

2. Premises: The lease agreement must clearly specify the property that is being leased, including the address and any specific features of the property such as a parking space or storage area. This helps avoid any disputes later on about what is included in the lease.

3. Term: The lease agreement must specify the duration of the lease, including the start and end dates. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the lease`s timeline and when it is due for renewal.

4. Rent: The lease agreement must clearly state the rent amount and the frequency of payment. Additionally, it must state the due date for rent payment, any late payment penalties, and the consequences of non-payment.

5. Security Deposit: The lease agreement must mention the security deposit amount, how it will be held, and the conditions for its return. It must also mention any deductions that may be made from the security deposit.

6. Maintenance: The lease agreement must specify who is responsible for maintenance and repairs of the property, including any obligations for the tenant to keep the property clean. It should also mention any restrictions on making modifications to the property.

7. Termination: The lease agreement must state the conditions for termination, including the notice period required for either the landlord or the tenant to end the lease. It must also specify any penalties or consequences for early termination.

8. Governing Law: The lease agreement must specify the governing law that will be used in case of any disputes or legal matters.

In conclusion, a well-drafted lease agreement must include all the formalities mentioned above to ensure that both parties are protected and have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations. As a professional, it is important to ensure that the lease agreement is easy to read, clear, and concise. This will help to avoid any misinterpretation or confusion that may arise later on.